Long COVID community

I am very proud to belong to the long covid community. My battle has been a very long 15 months. I am starting to see some light, positivity and possibilities these days. My normal life was tipped upside down and I despaired about what would happen to me. A large number of people who catch covid do not quickly recover and these are the people like me. I had no choice but to reinvent myself. To change the flow of my energy to something slower and new. It was enormously hard. I have such respect for myself. I am proud of who I am. The new me. Now I want to give some of myself, my new found wisdom, my trials and tribulations and donate some of my profits to others who are battling too.

I want to say, and do things that help and support the people who have been through the toughest of times. We need to show ourselves, to be seen and heard. We have inspiration to give and take from each other. I want to be part of turning the tide from worthless and helpless to assuring others that life will get better. It is possible.

There were times I could not lift my head from my pillow. Dark days. Dark nights. But I found some days when I could do small things. I remembered my passion for leather. I liked to buy pieces of interesting leather and told myself one day I would have time to sew, stitch and design something using these pieces. But of course I was a busy, energetic mother and wife and had so many other things to do. So, my leather was stored away for ‘another day’.

Suddenly in what I thought was the worst of times I had spare time. I realised I just could not summons the energy I used to have for all the physical tasks I happily completed without thinking about them. Now, against my will, I had time, space and a desperate need to do something!

My love for leather blossomed and so did I. Slowly at first, I had new ideas filling my head and I felt little bursts of energy. My hands loved the feel of the beautiful leather and my mind started to be creative. I imagined gorgeous, hand-made, special handbags. I started to make these bags and was overwhelmed by my pride in them and in myself. I found a calling and Torero was born.

Please message me if you want to talk. My rebirth is possible for everyone. I also want to be practical and make things better for everyone. I will donate 10% of any profits I make on my handbags to the Cambridge University Long Covid Clinic. This research facility is working to make recovery a possibility for everyone. You, too, can donate to this worthy institution.

I want to encourage sufferers to also look for a creative outlet. Draw whatever comes to mind in your recovery. Something that goes with my leather theme. It does not have to be perfect.  Send it to me and I will choose a design and translate it to a handbag. You will receive a percentage of the profit, along with the Cambridge University Long Covid Clinic.

Working together we can achieve change and better health for the millions of people sick through no fault of their own. Our community can be strong, courageous and generous.

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